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Destiny 2’s Curse of Osiris is Hiding a Secret Exotic No One Can Find

Players have discovered a special piece of Destiny 2 gear, but how to attain it is an ongoing mystery.
Destiny 2’s Curse of Osiris is Hiding a Secret Exotic No One Can Find

With the recent launch of Destiny 2‘s first expansion, Curse of Osiris, players have been scouring its content to see what kinds of gear and mods are now available. Bungie hyped a number of Vex-themed Exotics on Mercury, even creating a special set of missions to earn them called Lost Prophecies, but there was one that Guardians never expected to be hard to find.
In the story for Curse of Osiris, Guardians are tasked with helping the wise Warlock Osiris bring down a growing faction of the Vex by using time travel across several different planets. While Osiris doesn’t assist you directly, his Ghost, Sagira, possesses your Ghost and guides your Guardian through the mission. In the end, it seems probable that Sagira will be awarded to the player for a job well done, but that doesn’t happen. Before the DLC launched, players within the online data mining community looked through the inventory available from Mercury through the Eververse and found an Exotic version of the Ghost, known as Sagira’s Shell, is listed as an Exotic piece of gear. The only problem is no one knows how to get it.
According to the Ghost’s description page (via Planet Destiny), seen below, the Exotic comes fitted with three helpful perks:
  • “You’re Welcome” – Detects caches and resources within a 75-meter range on Mercury
  • “Omni-Telemetry” – Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on any elemental weapon kills
  • “Scion of Mercury” – Increased Glimmer and chance to obtain additional Faction consumables on Mercury

via Planet Destiny
While the perks are beneficial, they may not seem groundbreaking, as other Ghosts do similar tasks for the player. However, Sagira’s Shell is specific to Mercury, which is a location that still holds a great deal of mystery around it, with shifting locations in the Infinite Forest and a rather large Public Event area. There are several region-locked chests, for example, that are easily seen on the map, but many players are still unsure on how to find them. The Exotic shell might be the key to unlocking more of the tricks on how to navigate Mercury properly.
Despite Curse of Osiris only recently launching, many in the community have already completed the campaign and Adventures, with no hint on Sagira’s Shell as a reward. Of course, players are still waiting for the new raid lair mode, Eater of Worlds, to arrive within the December 12th update, so maybe that’s where fireteams will find the shell as a completion bonus. There’s also the possibility Bungie could be holding back on releasing the Exotic into the game until more players have completed the DLC.
As the developer prepares for the second patch attached to the expansion, arriving December 12th, they have a new issue to handle dealing with Exotics. Recently, another weapon specific to Mercury, the Prometheus Lens, was reportedly shipped with a bug that makes PvP matches a headache.

Destiny 2 is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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