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Destiny 2 Might burn to the Ground with the Broken Exotic Xûr is Selling

Bungie decided to put an overpowered weapon on sale to everyone, so PvP this weekend is going to be chaos.

Since the launch of Destiny 2‘s expansion, Curse of Osiris, many new Exotics have entered the wild, including a trace rifle shipped with a pesky bug. While the Prometheus Lens offers a significant advantage to the wielder, with an attack boost that increases the longer the beam fires, it’s an unfair choice in PvP matches. Bungie recently acknowledged they will fix the bug in a future update, but in a twist, they decided to shock the entire community by putting it on sale.
Players have from now until Tuesday, December 12th’s reset to visit Xûr in the EDZ’s Winding Cove area to buy the Exotic for a mere 29 Legendary shards. For players unsure if Bungie intentionally wanted to watch players destroy each other, Destiny 2 director Luke Smith got in on the shocking action, tweeting a GIF of Transformers annihilating one another. As they say, some men just want to watch the world burn.

While the idea that many Destiny 2 players will now use the rifle in the upcoming Trials of the Nine is terrifying, Bungie might have taken it a step further and called out one specific player. The official Bungie twitter made a post referencing a bet that Xûr wouldn’t sell Prometheus Lens, which is likely a nod to Reddit user JhonCensus offering to shave his head if the mysterious vendor starts selling the broken Exotic.

Did you make a bet that we wouldn’t let Xur sell Prometheus Lens?

It's available in the EDZ. Your move.

It’s hard to know how Bungie will nerf the rifle in the next update, but for now, it’s a fantastic choice for any activity in the game, especially the recently launched raid lair mode, Eater of Worlds. If the Exotic isn’t up your alley, Xûr is also selling class-specific armor, including the Warlock helm Nezarec’s Sin, the Hunter chest plate Dragon’s Shadow, and the Titan boots MK. 44 Stand Asides. Also from Curse of Osiris, players recently uncovered an Exotic Ghost shell based on Osiris’ partner Sagira, but no one has been able to figure out how to earn it as a reward.
Destiny 2 is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC On Amazon

Source: Bungie on Twitter

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